Spoiler Alert…please don’t read below if you don’t want to see behind-the-scenes footage of The Flash 3×23 FINALE! But to be honest our guess is as good as yours what exactly is going on!

We just know that Grant Gustin (Barry Allen / The Flash) and Candice Patton (Iris West) were pictured embrace each other and kissing while the whole cast were wearing black clothing in a cemetery.
Tom Felton, Keiynan Lonsdale, and were also present. In fact, why not to leave it to the experts – THE FANS! Hundreds of followers have left their theories via our YouTube Channel with the Exclusive video so check out the pics, video, and comments below:
Exclusive VIDEO Celebrity WotNot The Flash – Grant Gustin kisses Candice Patton in Season 3×23 Finale teaser
@ Chloe Corin Grant and Candice are crushing this scene with all the emotions and chemistry. Perfect actors to portray Barry and Iris. ???
@ Ruby Lynn Labian OMG! Caitlin is not there! Does this mean, she’s the one who’s going to die in the future? My WestAllen heart is shattered into pieces, again! ?

@ sendtherain Oh my goodness, my heart… That Barry/Iris goodbye is heart-wrenching. I hope this is the middle of the episode and he gets out after, because damn.
@ Penny Lane Oh my god @ the westallen kiss. This is going to be heartbreaking.
Video: The Flash Finish Line 3X23 Extra Exclusive Pics & Footage!
@ Lucy Mcgiveron Has anyone else noticed that fact that neither caitlin nor joe is there?? I’m guessing that barry goes back to the og timeline to save joe and prevent what has happened to caitlin.
@ Yoshiko Akiyama Barry is going to take Jay’s place in the speed force. It needs someone to take its place and the speed force is taking the appearance of Nora Allen. that’s why Barry is saying bye.

@ Mehrox Syed caitlin hasnt dies she was in other pics visiting the graveyard ,,,,she might have left at the end because she thinks her powers are unstable and she can hurt ppl around her but she aint dead
@ Husai Garcia My theory they save Iris imprison future barry aka savitar and now Barry has to take his place in the speed force and suffer and therefore become savitar and the next season they try to make Barry

@ maga Encina I know! they are amazing! and incredible chemistry and my WESTALLEN heart is bleeding
The Flash Trivia: The Flash made his comic book debut in January 1940 in Flash Comics #1 as a scientist named Jay Garrick and then Barry Allen was introduced in October 1956 in Showcase #4 where he gained his powers from a lightning strike.